Our New Summer Schedule 
Saturday Worship - 5:00 pm
Sunday Worship - 9:00 am
 Adult Bible Study - 10:15 am (Sunday)
Live-streamed Service - 9:00 am (Sunday)


Come Worship with us!
Summer Schedule:

Saturday Evening:
5:00 pm  
9:00 am   
Adult Bible Class:
10:15 am  
Our 9:00 am worship service is live-streamed
here on our website, Facebook, YouTube and our app.
You can also find our bulletins and announcements
 by Clicking Here.

2024 Vacation Bible School

You are invited to Trinity's 2024 VBS
Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy
July 21 -- July 25,  5:30 -- 7:30 pm 

Connecting Our Community With Christ

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