
Please register your children

Registration is necessary for both Sunday School and Midweek.  Basic information is collected including emergency contact information.

Important Dates

Christian Education @ Trinity

Rally Sunday
August 25th, 10:30 social time/11:00 worship/12:00 picnic
Rally Sunday at Smith Lake. Kindergartners and 3rd graders will get their Bibles and Catechisms. 8th graders will recieve a Confirmation blessing. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.
Blessing of the Backpacks
August 25, 11:00 a.m.
Kids can bring their backpacks to our Rally Day service at Smith Lake as we say a prayer and ask God's blessings on the new school year.
First Day of Sunday School
September 8
Sunday School kicks off on Sunday, September 8 at 9:15 am. Kids start in the sanctuary for opening.
First Night of Midweek
September 11
Midweek kicks off at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, September 11th with our mandatory parent/student meeting in the Life Center
Mandatory Parent Meeting
September 11
Mandatory parent meeting for families with Midweek age kids Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30 pm in the Life Center.
Bible Writing Milestone
Parents of kindergarten and third grade students are invited to the Life Center at 9:15 am on Sunday to write in the Bibles that will be given to their children on Ralley Sunday.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

There is no greater joy, privilege, or responsibility that we have as the family of God than to raise our children with saving faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This faith is given to our children in their baptism and makes them a part of God's family.

Because of Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20, we place a high value on Christian Education here at Trinity.  We want to ensure that each generation is taught to know God and the wonderful gifts that he gives both for our lives here on earth and for eternity.  We offer a vareity of opportunities for Christian education throughout the week as we partner with you as you raise your children in the faith.

Sunday School

Midweek Classes

A great foundation in God’s Word starts with Sunday School. Make Sunday School part of your family’s weekly routine. Classes  start with three-year-olds in our preschool room and continue through high school.
Students gather at 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings. Bible study, fellowship and service are a part of the curriculum.



September through May.  Sunday School starts at 9:15 am and concludes at 10:15 am  – convenient for either worship time!  We encourage you to worship with your child before or after Sunday School.

The road to Confirmation starts with a solid foundation through our Midweek School program beginning in the third grade and continuing through Confirmation in 8th grade. Friends are welcome to attend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see the answer to your question here? Contact the church office -- 515-295-3518 or

What happens if there is bad weather?

In the case of inclimate weather information will be posted on our Facebook page.  Midweek will follow Algona Public Schools.  If school is cancelled then Midweek will be too. Sunday School will usually happen if we are still having church.  If we only have one service then we won't have Sunday School. Make sure to sign up for text message updates so you'll never be left wondering.

Can my friend come too?

Yes! Of course! We love having friends with us at Sunday School or Midweek.  Please let the teacher know that the friend is visiting.  If a friend wants to keep coming, we ask that their parent fill out our online registration form so that we have emergency contact information.

Where do we meet for Sunday School?

Sunday School always starts with a special opening in the sanctuary at 9:15 on Sunday morning.  Stairs to the basement are located in the narthex (entry way) of the church.  If you've never been down there before, please ask an Elder or an Usher (both have nametags on) and they will point you in the right direction. After opening, each class will go to their classroom which will either be in the main floor or basement of our education wing.  Please ask your child's teacher if you'd like to know where they are meeting.

Where do we meet for Midweek?

Midweek begins with an opening devotion in the Life Center at 6:30pm on Wednesday night. We ask that the students be present and ready to start at 6:30 because the devotion is connected to the lesson for that evening.  Students typically sit with their classes for opening.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

You can contact the church office during the week ( or 295-3518) and Bonita or one of the pastors will be able to answer your questions.  You can also contact Dee Dee Esser (Board of Education Chair) .

Sunday Mornings

Wednesday Evening

9:15am -- 10:15am

Sunday school for children 3yrs old -- 12th grade

6:30pm -- 7:30pm

Midweek and Youth Group for 3rd grade -- 12th grade